Jan 28, 2011

**Nelson Mandela** Get better soon!

(Reuters) - Former South African President Nelson Mandela is recovering from a collapsed lung and could be released from hospital as early as Friday, a source close to Mandela told Reuters on Thursday.

Being a South African living abroad, it can be hard to stay up to date on local news from back home. But when I started seeing lots of Facbook statuses commenting on Mandela and sending him get well wishes; I thought it a good idea to do some research and hopefully let others here know that everything seems to be ok :)

There has been uproar over the news of Mandela's collapsed lung,but according to The Nelson Mandela Foundation in an earlier statement: "He is in no danger and is in good spirits."

President Jacob Zuma and the ruling African National Congress appealed for calm on Thursday after the hospitalization set off speculation in local media about Mandela's health."President Mandela is comfortable and is well looked after by a good team of medical specialists," Zuma said in a statement.

The ANC said there was no cause for alarm.  "He is a 92-year-old and will have ailments associated with his age, and the fact that he stayed the night should not suggest the worst," ANC spokesman Jackson Mthembu said. Reuters.com

Now, let the poor man rest and recover!