Saturday night found me and Sohee (my lovely Korean friend) heading out into the cold and darkness of Daejeon in search of a "Sparkling Wine" party we had been invited to. 2 buses, a taxi and a long walk later, we arrived at Ingi's (the wonderful host of the party) doorstep. What awaited us was flowing bottles of Wine/Juice/Champagne/Home-mad Soju and the most delicious assortment of foods I have ever laid eyes upon! I now present to you....
Party for a aid of Korea Women's Hot line
*S*p*a*r*k*l*i*n*g *W*i*n*e*
December 2010

Tae & hubby Ben :)

Our wonderful host Ingi and a fellow South African...

*Lovely ladies*

This was taken during "pass the parcel". When the music stopped, the person holding the parcel got to unwrap the package and then was either presented with treasure (a yummy chocolate dipped spoon) or horror (green chiles) *can you guess which one i got?!*

The Christmas tree Rosalie & her Present James :)
For more information about Korea Women's Hotline click here
Please vote for this wonderful charity on 10Magazines website *click here*
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